Captain: Molly Selby-Lowndes
Coach: Harriet Williams and Adie Murray
The season threw us in at the deep end with our first match being a derby against the 7s. Although we came away defeated from this our coherence as a team and overall standard has got better and better. Saturday league has seen us come away with some impressive wins despite some challenging games - our highlights have been a well fought 2-0 win against Carnegie on their home turf, and some convincing wins against Castle HC and Peebles. Our conference cup games have seen some decisive wins in the first two rounds, starting with an unbelievable 26-0 win against Abertay 2s and a 9-0 win vs Stirling 3s. Our next round vs Aberdeen 2s at the final whistle was 2-2, which went to running penalties which very sadly we lost 1-0. Our set plays paid off particularly well in the Stirling game as Bella Antcliff, Kassidy Mathers and Hebe Stone executed a perfect drag flick with Bella placing it flawlessly in the top left corner. While some BUCs games have proved challenging at times when we have found ourselves without a keeper so the defence have had to work particularly hard, we’ve had some fantastic games, and are currently sitting in the middle of the league despite having come up against some extremely good sides. Team morale has been consistently high on and off the field and with a few more Derbys to come and the final BUCS/Saturday matches approaching I can only envisage some great results to come!